丹阳市人民医院内分泌科经历了20余年的努力,现汇集有一批训练有素的具有丰富临床治疗经验的专科医护人员;其中主任医师2名,副主任医师2名,主治医师4名,住院医师1名,其中硕士研究生4名。现有专科护士12名,主管护师占护士总数比≥20%,1拥有江苏省卫生厅颁发的糖尿病专科护士资质。拥有专科病床28张,每年门诊量约50000余人次、出院约1500人次,有韩国SOOIL公司产DANA 胰岛素泵、美国美敦力公司产动态血糖监测系统、英国亨特公司产糖尿病足病诊断筛查箱等先进设备。多年来,全体医护人员牢固树立以"病人为中心,以病人满意为目的"服务宗旨,不断加强医患沟通,把对病人的尊重、理解、关注和人文关怀体现在给病人服务的全过程;在工作上一丝不苟,刻苦学习,钻研业务,对糖尿病、甲状腺机能亢进症、桥本氏病、亚甲炎等常见病的治疗有丰富的经验,并形成自己独特的治疗风格。通过科学研究和临床验证,在治疗糖尿病上有一整套有效措施,对早期糖尿病能够及时诊断和有效治疗,对晚期糖尿病严重并发症的患者,能够准确的判断适时用药,积极有效的抢救酮症酸中毒、高渗性昏迷等患者,挽救了许多病人的生命。近年来,随着糖尿病人的不断增加,该科开设了糖尿病专科门诊,购置了先进的糖尿病检测仪,满足了广大患者的需要。近年来在SCI期刊、省级以上杂志发表专科论文十余篇,参与了ORBIT等多项大型临床研究,承担南通大学医疗本科班的内科学内分泌系统教学工作,并常年与上海中山医院、江苏省人民医院、南京鼓楼内分泌科合作联诊,技术力量雄厚,在周边地区享有较高声誉。
After ten years of hard work, the Department of Endocrinology of Danyang People's Hospital has build a team of well-trained specialist medical staff with rich clinical treatment experience; including 1 chief physician, 2 deputy chief physicians, 3 attending physicians, and 2 resident doctors . There are 8 specialist nurses, and one has obtained the qualification of diabetes specialist issued by the Health Department of Jiangsu Province. There are 18 beds, about 36,000 outpatient visits per year, and about 800 discharges annually . The department has introduced many advanced equipment such as DANA insulin pump produced by SOOIL Company of Korea, dynamic blood glucose monitoring system manufactured by Medtronic Company of the United States, and diagnostic screening box for diabetic foot disease made by Hunter Company of the United Kingdom etc. Over the years, the medical staff have firmly established the service aim of "patient-centered, patient satisfaction". By continuously strengthen communication between doctors and patients, respect, understanding, attention and human care for patients are reflected in the whole process of serving patients. Meticulous in work, the staff study hard and have rich experience in the treatment of common diseases such as diabetes, hyperthyroidism, Hashimoto's disease, and methylene inflammation, and has formed their own unique treatment style. Through scientific research and clinical verification, there is a set of effective measures for the treatment of diabetes, which can promptly diagnose and effectively treat early diabetes. For patients with advanced complications of advanced diabetes, they can accurately judge and give patients timely medication, and actively and effectively rescue patients with ketoacidosis, hyperosmolar coma, etc., therefore many lives have been saved. In recent years, with the increasing number of people with diabetes, the department has opened a diabetes specialist clinic and purchased advanced diabetes detectors to meet the needs of the majority of patients. With more than ten papers published in magazines above provincial level , the department has participated in many large-scale clinical researches such as ORBIT. Furthermore, the staff undertake the teaching of endocrine system in medical undergraduate classes of Nantong University. By cooperating with the People's Hospital of Jiangsu Province and the Endocrinology Department of the General Hospital of Nanjing Military Region, the department has strengthened its technical force and enjoys a high reputation in the surrounding areas. To better serve patients, the department has also set up a diabetes patients club and hold a lecture on diabetes prevention and treatment for diabetic patients every Tuesday for free. Besides, the club help develop personalized diet and exercise prescriptions for patients to enable them to enjoy a better life.
At present, there are more and more endocrine patients coming to our hospital for diagnosis and treatment. We believe that "sincere love will get understanding and professional commitment will get support from the people ". We will devote ourselves to patients with first-class service and superb technology.
开展甲状腺疾病的综合诊治。在多年的甲亢诊治经验的基础上, 近年开展了B超下介入治疗甲状腺结节,亚急性甲状腺炎,在本地区有一定的影响力。
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